When to consult an orthopedic doctor?

best orthopedic doctor

When to consult an orthopedic doctor?

Consulting an orthopedic doctor is recommended when you experience persistent or severe pain, discomfort, or limitations in your musculoskeletal system, which includes your bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

We recommend you should consider seeing our orthopedic doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

Joint or Musculoskeletal Pain: If you are experiencing persistent joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, lower back pain, back pain, heel pain or neck pain especially if it is affecting your daily activities schedule an appointment with our orthopaedic doctor.

Limited Range of Motion: If you notice a decrease in your range of motion in a joint, difficulty moving a particular body part, or if you’re experiencing stiffness you definitely need to consult our orthopedician.

Injuries: If you have sustained an injury to your bones, joints, or soft tissues, such as a fracture, sprain, strain or sports injuries like tennis elbow you should book an appointment with our orthopaedic surgeon.

Swelling or Inflammation: Unexplained swelling or inflammation in a joint or surrounding tissues may indicate an underlying issue which can be diagnosed by our orthopedic doctor.

Chronic Pain: If you have chronic conditions such as arthritis or repetitive strain injuries causing ongoing pain and discomfort, our orthopedic doctor will be happy to help you.

Deformities: If you notice any changes in the alignment or appearance of your bones or joints, it can indicate an underlying issue. It is advisable to consult our orthopedic doctor, he can diagnose the reason behind the changes & guide you about the treatment.

Weakness or Instability: If you experience weakness or a feeling of instability in a joint, it could be indicative of a musculoskeletal problem and calls for a consultation with our orthopedic doctor.

Neck or Back Pain: Persistent or severe neck or back pain that is not improving with rest or over-the-counter medications needs the attention of our specialist orthopedic doctor.

Numbness or Tingling: If you’re experiencing numbness or tingling in your limbs, it could be related to nerve compression or other orthopedic issues. It could also indicate that you might be suffering from Sciatica, a condition caused by injury to or pressure on the sciatic nerve. Get the best diagnosis by consulting our orthopedic doctor.

Failed Previous Treatments: If you’ve tried conservative treatments (such as rest, physical therapy, or medications) for a musculoskeletal issue, and there’s been little or no improvement then it is time to consult our orthopedician.

If you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms and are looking for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan you can visit us at Dr. Sunny Medical Centre’s Umm-al-quwain branch and schedule an appointment with our orthopedic surgeon Dr. Abin Jos.

Dr. Abin Jos is a trusted professional in the field of orthopedic surgery. His clinical expertise includes joint replacements, sports injuries, fractures, traumas, arthroscopy. So if you are searching for the ‘best orthopedic doctor near me’ look no further & get the best orthopedic services at our medical centre.