All you need to know about facial laser hair removal

Are you tired of going to the salon every fortnight to get your upper lip or sideburns hair removed?

If yes, facial laser hair removal can give you a long lasting solution. Laser hair removal on the face works in the same way it does for other parts of the body. It is an effective method of removing hair on any part of the body. A study showed that laser hair removal resulted in a significant reduction of hair after the first visit, unlike other methods like waxing or which showed no notable difference in the number of active hair follicles

The number of sessions needed by an individual will depend on an individual’s skin and hair type. Most people require 6-12 sessions for laser hair removal on the face to be effective.

How Laser Hair Removal is Done on Face?

When you decide to get your facial hair removed with the help of laser therapy, usually you will go through the following procedure:

The dermatologist will verify what treatment is appropriate for you.

Your face will be prepped for the procedure. This may include putting an anesthetic cream on the treatment area and marking the treatment area.

You will be asked to wear an eye protection gear during the treatment.

The hand-held laser device will be used across the treatment area.

Your face will be cleaned and the therapist will give you post-treatment instructions.
The treatment is quick and most sessions just take 10-15 minutes.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe for Face?

Absolutely yes! Laser hair removal is safe for your face. You may notice redness, mild swelling after the session but it is temporary and usually goes away after a couple of hours of the session. Severe side-effects like skin tone change or burns are very rare and the professional doing the laser treatment will guide you properly to avoid these side-effects.