How Zoom Whitens Your Teeth?

Do you ever feel that your teeth are not as white as you want them to be? Staining may be the main culprit and various factors including ageing, lifestyle choices may be contributing to it. Though there are a number of over the counter teeth whitening methods and at-home teeth whitening kits available in the market but if you want instant and better results you should opt for Zoom whitening.

It is a laser whitening service considered to be safe, effective as well as quick. It uses a blue LED light-activated gel, Amorphous Calcium Phospate (ACP) and fluoride to soothe and protect teeth. The advanced dentistry can help you get rid of the stains and lighten your teeth up to eight shades.

The Procedure

The Zoom in-office tooth whitening procedure uses the Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp – said to accelerate the bleaching process – to activate the 25 per cent hydrogen peroxide whitening. As the hydrogen peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin to bleach the stained substances, without changing or harming the structure of the teeth.
Before the zoom whitening begins, the dentist would cover the lips and gums, only leaving the teeth exposed. The dentist or dental assistant then applies the Zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel, which works together with the Zoom light to penetrate the teeth and clear the stains and discoloration.

The gel remains in place for 15 minutes while the light is activated. Immediately afterwards, a sensitivity-reducing fluoride paste-gel is applied to the teeth. The procedure is repeated thrice to fetch the best results. The whole procedure is over within an hour.

Things to keep in Mind

Prior to the zoom whitening your dentist will check whether you are the right candidate for the procedure as some people may experience sensitivity during the procedure. The Zoom light produces minimal heat, which is usually the source of discomfort. In rare cases minor tingling may be experienced immediately after the procedure, but it is temporary.
Ask your dentist for an anti-sensitivity toothpaste prior to treatment to lessen sensitivity.


Zoom is not recommended for children under 13 years of age, or for pregnant or lactating women.