Tips for Increasing Children’s Activity Levels

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Tips for Increasing Children’s Activity Levels

A child’s job is to play, but now a days play includes more screen time and less physical activity. Encouraging kids to be more active physically has loads of benefits but parents find it difficult to do so as most of the time kids are glued to the screens. If you are looking for tips to solve this problem, keep reading this blog.

First let us look at the benefits of promoting physical activity in children:

  • Building strong bones & muscles
  • Enhances social skills
  • Helps in improving brain function
  • Better sleep patterns
  • Improves balance
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness
  • Improves mental health (increased self-esteem)

If you are parents of young children and want to make physical activity a part of their daily routine the following tips can prove helpful:

Lead by example: Children often imitate the behaviors they see in their parents and child care professionals. Make sure you’re leading an active lifestyle and engaging in physical activities regularly. Let them see you enjoying exercise and being active.

Provide opportunities for active play: Create an environment that encourages active play. Have a variety of toys, games, and sports equipment available to your child, such as balls, jump ropes, bicycles, and hula hoops. Encourage them to engage in activities like running, jumping, climbing, and playing tag.

Limit screen time: Setting reasonable limits on screen time, including TV, video games, smartphones, and tablets may seem difficult, but it is doable. Encourage your child to spend more time outdoors or engage in active hobbies instead.

Fun Physical activities: Find activities that your child enjoys. It could be dancing, swimming, cycling or playing a sport. Make physical activity fun and enjoyable so that they look forward to it.

Family activities: Plan family activities that involve physical movement. Go for walks, bike rides, or play games together in the park. This not only promotes physical activity but also strengthens family bonds.

Organize playdates: Set up playdates with other children who enjoy being active. This can encourage your child to engage in group activities, sports, and games that require physical exertion.

The above-mentioned tips should be taken into consideration after keeping in mind your child’s age, abilities, and interests. If you are someone who leaves the kids with babysitters, or part-time nannies you can share these tips with them.

If you still want to seek the guidance of a pediatrician for a more detailed perspective, you can book an appointment with us today.