Busy Mom Beauty Tips

Motherhood is a beautiful and rewarding phase in a woman’s life. But any new mom can tell you that between feeding, diaper changes and cuddles there’s very little time for any self care. New moms are always on a look out for quick treatments that will last for some time to avoid frequent visits to the aesthetic clinic. Keep reading this blog to know a few beauty treatments and tips for busy mothers that will surely come handy to look and feel great without spending a lot of time and effort!


There are 3 keys steps to maintaining great skin. Cleansing, exfoliation and hydration. These can be achieved even at home using the right products for your skin type. Your dermatologist can help guide you about which products would be suitable. If your skin needs a further boost, regular medi-facials can be customized to your needs. These facials are both relaxing and effective. For most people once a month sessions is sufficient to get that extra boost mommy-skin deserves!

Hair Care

Post natal hair loss is real! As the levels of pregnancy hormones drop, unfortunately so does the hair. This is perfectly normal and starts around 3 months post delivery and can last up to a year. Even so, it can be very alarming to new mommies who already have a lot on their minds. Even though this phenomenon is very common and is a physiological part of the changes the body goes through, there are a few measures one can take to reduce the hair fall and give support to the weakened hair follicles. The most important step is to continue the pregnancy vitamins for up to a year after delivery. Essential vitamins and micro nutrients are depleted during pregnancy and the first year after delivery. It’s very important to supplement these even after giving birth. Vitamin D and iron are particularly important. Another tip is to avoid any harsh chemical or heat treatments in the first year after delivery as this is when the hair follicles are most vulnerable.

Laser Hair Removal

Who doesn’t love the feel of smooth skin? But shaving daily or opting for traditional hair removal methods such as waxing can be both time consuming and painful. If you are a busy mother who wants to save time, investing in laser hair removal for underarms and bikini areas can effectively cut down on shower time as well as razor burn and leave you with a silky smooth skin. Laser hair removal is safe and lasts longer than the traditional hair removal methods.