How often should I get my teeth cleaned?

Following a good dental hygiene should not be an excuse for you to skip your professional dental cleaning appointments.

Benefits of Getting Teeth Cleaned Professionally

Professional dental cleaning has numerous benefits including helping to remove plaque on teeth, tartar on teeth and most stains as well as ensuring that your teeth and gums remain healthy. Dental cleanings will also allow your dentist to check for early signs of tooth decay or gum diseases like gingivitis. Paying for regular dental cleanings will cost much lesser than paying for a filling a cavity or getting a root canal done.

Though  brushing and flossing teeth regularly can help keep your breath fresh, but a professional dental cleaning every 6 months helps control the generation of bacteria in the mouth that are responsible for bad breath. Your overall health can also benefit if you don’t skip your regular dental cleaning appointment as regular dental check-ups can help you avoid some serious health issues. For example during the dental visit, your doctor does a thorough examination of the tongue, throat, face and neck. The dentist will look for redness, inflammation or tissue changes indicative of cancer. Identifying diseased tissue at an early stage can make a huge difference and help in saving a life.

When to Visit Dentist for Cleaning?

After reading all these benefits you might be wondering how often you should be getting your teeth cleaned? Most of us can get away with two trips in a year while people who fall in high risk group might need to visit their dentist more often.

People with chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes need to see their dentist more often as they are prone to gum diseases. People who are taking certain medications including blood thinners may need to visit the dentist more often as these medications complicate the process of tooth extraction & other dental procedures. Regular visits in such conditions will help your dentist to help detect problems before they become serious.