Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Aren’t you exhausted of the time-consuming and painful traditional hair removal methods including shaving, waxing and tedious home remedies? If you are looking for a more permanent solution to get rid of the unwanted body and facial hair, laser hair removal is your best bet.

Laser hair removal uses highly concentrated light to destroys hair follicles and curtail future hair growth. Laser hair removal is safe and effective. The procedure does not cause any long-term side-effects. However, let us make ourselves aware about the possible side-effects.

Minor side-effects

The procedure may cause temporary skin irritation or pigmentation. Slight redness and swelling around hair follicles can be noticed on the treated area. These effects are short-lived and are also experienced during traditional ways of hair removal. The dermatologist might apply topical anesthetic to minimize these effects. You can also apply ice packs to reduce the pain and swelling.

Pigmentation changes

If you have lighter skin, you may see temporary dark spots and if you have darker skin, you may find lighter spots after the procedure. Just like irritation and redness, these spots won’t last long.

Rarely occurring Side-effects

If you use laser kits at home or are getting the procedure done from an uncertified provider you may be at risk of rare and more long lasting side-effects. In such cases you may get blisters, scarring or skin crusting.

It is imperative to address your queries with your dermatologist before opting for the procedure. The use of laser hair removal is not recommended for pregnant women. It is recommended to see a doctor if any severe symptoms are experienced after laser hair treatment.

It is also very important to disclose any medical conditions and medications you are taking as this can affect the outcome of the treatment.

Post-laser skin care is required to achieve the flawless skin you always desired. Here are few things that you need to follow:

  • Between laser hair removal sessions, avoid using other hair removal methods. Shaving is acceptable
  • Avoid getting a tan, both natural and artificial
  • Do not forget to wear your sunscreen when stepping out in the sun.
  • Avoid saunas and Moroccan baths