How to Get Most out of Your Dental Crown?

Tooth decay has become a common dental problem, and dental crown provides the easiest solution to restore the appearance of your smile as well as provide strength to the teeth damaged or weakened because of fillings or root canal treatment. Dental crown has become a popular choice as they appear almost as your other natural teeth.

If taken proper care the dental crown can be used for up to 15 years and their durability depends on how well they are taken care of. Just like you take care of your natural teeth, you need to take care of the crowns by brushing and flossing teeth at least twice every day.

There are several other factors that will help you to prolong the life of your precious crowns including:

  • If you have sensitivity issues, you need to avoid temperature extremes in your food intake. For example avoid having extremely chilled beverages that can hurt your teeth.
  • If you have a habit of teeth grinding in your sleep make sure to use mouth guards. The habit can have adverse effects on your crown as well as other teeth. As a precaution use mouth guard that looks like a retainer and makes sure that your upper teeth and lower teeth do not come in contact while you are sleeping.
  • Another factor that is crucial for your crown’s prolonged life is regular visit to the dentist. Do not skip your appointments with the dentist. Your dentist can identify if there are any problems with your crown before it gets worse.
  • If your dental crown doesn’t fit properly, have it adjusted immediately. In case you feel your newly fitted crown is longer or shorter, go back to your dentist and get it adjusted. Avoid biting on harder food items such as nuts. The bite may cause crown to come loose, exposing the tooth to infection and injury.