Why Vaccines Are Important For Children?

Why Vaccines Are Important For Children B

Why Vaccines Are Important For Children?

Children are exposed to thousands of germs every day and as their immune system is not fully developed at birth, they need to be protected against several viruses and bacteria with the help of vaccines. Though most of the parents follow the recommended immunization schedule but still many new parents are clueless about the importance of vaccines. If you are also one of those parents this post is for you.

Getting your child vaccinated can benefit in the following ways:

Disease prevention: Vaccines protect children from various infectious diseases that can be serious, disabling, or even life-threatening. Vaccination has been instrumental in significantly reducing the incidence of diseases like polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, hepatitis, and more.

Building immunity: Vaccines work by stimulating the body’s immune system to recognize and remember specific pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. By introducing a harmless or weakened form of the pathogen, vaccines help the immune system develop a defense mechanism. This enables the body to fight off the actual disease more effectively if exposed to it later in life.

Protecting vulnerable populations: Children are more susceptible to certain diseases due to their developing immune systems. Vaccinating children helps create herd immunity, a situation where a large portion of the population is immunized against a particular disease. Herd immunity not only protects those who are vaccinated but also safeguards individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to age, allergies, or underlying health conditions.

Prevention of complications: Many vaccine-preventable diseases can lead to severe complications and long-term health issues. For example, measles can cause pneumonia, encephalitis (brain inflammation), and even death. By vaccinating children, the risk of such complications is significantly reduced, ensuring their overall well-being.

School and community participation: In many countries, vaccination is a requirement for school admission. By ensuring that children receive the necessary vaccinations, parents can avoid any disruption in their education and allow them to participate fully in school activities.

If you want to consult a pediatrician about the recommended immunization schedule you can book an appointment with our expert pediatrician and ensure that your kids receive the appropriate vaccines at the right time.